How to Minimize Pores: 7 Tips and Products that Work!

Having noticeable pores is totally normal, but we understand wanting to minimize their appearance. Since pore size is largely due to genetics, you can’t actually shrink your pores, but there are things you can do to make them look smaller. The most important thing you can do is keep them clear and free from excess oil and impurities. If you’re wondering how to minimize pores, here are 7 tips and products that are actually worth your time!

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How to Get Rid of Strawberry Legs: 7 Tips That Help

If you’ve noticed dark or pitted spots on your legs, you may be familiar with the term “strawberry legs”. Strawberry legs are a cosmetic issue that can be caused by improper shaving, clogged pores, or a skin condition. Figuring out what’s causing your strawberry legs is the first step to treating them. In today’s post, we’re talking all about how to get rid of strawberry legs, plus tips to prevent them in the first place.

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